Just another WordPress.com site


Alphabet Blackboard Site

I believe that our site was very effective and easy to use. Neither of our testers had problems with the site. If we had incorporated a flash file, the site would’ve been more fun to look at and interesting to play with. However, I think that for the time that we had, this site was a great production. Our site was easy to navigate and very straight forward so it was easy for our testers to try out and complete the tasks.

Gems from the Article

Planning a Website:
More organized= more success. Plan on paper/computer.  Main purpose of planning=map out site. Easy to navigate=success.

Logistics: Understand what site is supposed to do. Consider site hosters.

Aesthetic considerations: Screen size, File size, Font size, Browser compatibility.

Consider to following:
Navigation: How will they move?
Assets: Images and text to populate site.
Host: Site location?

Aesthetics: Screen Size
800X600 pixels = normal.
+toolbar, address bar, scrollbars= 759X410

Image: JPEGs and GIFs
JPEG: Contain millions of colors. Good for saving photographic info.
GIF: Good for solid areas of color. Single color.
Images should be saved at 72dpi. Don’t resize within programs.

Serif, Sans Serif, or Monotype.

Static VS Dynamic:
Good site is Dynamic.

Interfaces and navigation:
Easy to navigate. Menu bars/vertical menus. Frames. Drop down menus.

Mind Map

Mind Map


Does your home have Internet access?


What do ISP’s actually provide?

They let you connect to the internet

What do they promise/guarantee?

Your ISP’s connection shouldn’t go offline.

What does that mean?

You should always have connection to the internet.

What happens if it fails?

You won’t have internet anymore.

Redesign project

1) How does the design reflect and support the purpose of the site? (think about color, image)

By having a space-themed background, it clearly tells the reader that the site is about outer space.  Also, there is a space shuttle that continues down the page so it helps the reader understand that the author wants to focus on the fact that he is a space enthusiast.

2) Which of the 4 principles are most clearly evident? Explain their use.

I think that contrast is most evident because of the white textbox juxtaposed with the black/dark background. Also, repetition of color is a large part of the website. The blue in the title and the bar is very close and is quite easy to look at. Alignment is also evident in the website. The text in the text box is aligned with the link “home” on the bar. Finally, the bar organizes all the different links and so it does a good job of having good proximity.

3) What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?

1) By changing little things such as the color and the background, a very bad website could easily be changed into
a very well designed one.

2) Just having a bar across the top organizes your links very easily and very efficiently.

Follow up to Mr. Bartlet

Dear Mr. Bartlet,

I would just like to send you a summarization letter about my partner and I’s presentation to you.

We looked at your site, Spank Swimming, and we thought about what necessary changes should occur in order for you to expand your company. We concluded that you needed a shopping cart function to allow your customers to order online, rather than a PDF catalog which you have at the moment. Also, we decided that you needed a much larger data capacity for you to get the company where you want it to be. In order to do these things, a new web hoster is necessary. We showed you three different options and concluded that SiteGround is the best for what you are looki8ng for. It ahs a good price to work ratio so that you get a lot of work done for a reasonable price. It also includes a shopping cart for your customers. To add to that, it has a large data capacity so that you can expand the website and company without worrying about your site slowing down.

I hope that my partner and I have helped you make a decision for your new website host. Thank you for your attention.

HTML Reflection

I think that it fulfills its purpose pretty well because it has two pages and I believe that in a situation like the snowstorm, the colors would really grab the reader’s attention and the reader would get help. Although it’s a very simple website, I think that it portrays the idea really well. One aspect we could’ve done better was maybe make the website more interesting to look at rather than just the two colors that we chose.

Considering this was our first time experiencing and experimenting with HTML, I believe that we did a pretty good job of incorporating what we know and what we found out into the website. The quality of work isn’t as good as we could’ve gotten it because we were a little short on time but I believe that we did quite well.

My partner and I had good teamwork and were able to work well together. On the other hand, I felt like I was doing most of the work. Although, I enjoyed making this page, it felt a little unfair.

Hello world!

The Internet is to the World Wide Web as sports is to basketball.